Saturday, August 2, 2008

Thing #20: YouTube, TeacherTube and zamzar

I searched "Government Education" YouTube to see if there were any interesting videos that I could use on my government class. Instead I found a lot of commentary about government role in education, but that turned out to be interesting too. Here is a cool one I found about what Scotland is trying to do in their schools. Even cooler, notice that the government's title for the position of the woman speaking is Cabinet Minister for Education & Lifelong Learning. How cool is that? In Scotland it isn't just education. It's education and lifelong learning. Sounds like Scotland is on the right track.

Also, just for fun: I'm a little freaked out that there is a video on YouTube that I can be seen in, but there it is. I am a member of the Houston Swing Dance Society and here is a video of some of us dancing. See if you can figure out which one I am.

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