Thursday, August 28, 2008

Classic Forms of Government

Today we learned about he classic forms of government that are most commonly used by a state.

The dominant political system in medieval Europe. Based on the rule of local lords bound to a king by ties of royalty. Peasants are ruled by the feudal lords, and lords are ruled and given title by the king.

Classical republic-
A representative democracy in which a small group of elected leaders represent the concerns of the electorate.

Absolute Monarchy-
A form of government in which a king or a queen hold total control of the military and the government.

A form of government in which an individual or group has unlimited authority. No effective restraint on the power of government exists

Rule by a despot, a ruler with absolute power who uses his rule tyrannically.

Liberal Democracy-
Based on the protection of individual rights and freedoms and the consent of the governed. This form of government focuses on protecting individual rights from the tyranny of the majority.

A type of government that attempts to control all facets of citizens’ lives.

Here are some things you should be thinking about when you study these. Who is ruling? and Who is getting ruled? What is the relationship: In a democracy or a republic general populations participate where in the other forms of government the rulers have unlimited power over the people.

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