Friday, August 29, 2008

Concepts of Democracy

If democracy is so great, why isn't it everywhere? Some places don't have the belief systems in place that allows democracy to flourish. Here are some examples of concepts in place that a democracy believes in:

Worth of the Individual
Everyone, no matter who they were born to or what characteristics they were born with, is important. They are a separate distinct being with worth and dignity.

Equality of all Persons
Even though we are not neccesarily born of the same intelligence or ability, regardless of the arbitrary characteristics of gender or race, we all have the same opportunity and equality in the eyes of the law.

Individual Freedom
We are not absolutely free because that would be anarchy. However we are free to act within the law. On the flip side, government cannot create law that encroaches on our inalienable rights.

Majority Rule, Minority Rights
In a democracy, the power is in the hands of everyone rather than just one or few. But not 100% of everyone is going to agree all the time. This means that the majority is going to rule. But, if the majority takes away the rights of the minority the democracy starts to destruct. For example, most of the United States does not agree with the KKK about their beliefs but we cannont take away their right to talk about them even if we hate what they say. In a democracy the rights of the minority are protected.

Necessity of Compromise
Again, with power in the hands of many instead of a few there are going to be disagreements. Compromise is where two sides of a disagreement find a way to come to an agreement even if it isn't what both sides originally argued for. If we do not agree to give up some of what we want to find an agreement we could regress into violence and the democracy collapses.

Free Enterprise
In a democracy, businesses are run by private people and not the government. It would be a paradox and improbable for people to be free within the law but business run by the state. The businesses are extended the freedoms that people have in a democracy.

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